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2007-04-01 - it's been a while...
2007-01-15 - Here comes the bride...
2006-11-05 - it's been a looooong time!
2006-09-17 - \"I Am\"
2006-09-02 - the first week of school
2006-08-25 - first week back to school...oh my!
2006-08-09 - Welcom SNWP!
2006-08-07 - Punk panegyric
2006-07-25 - I'm just a tad busy...
2006-07-08 - it's coming
2006-06-23 - 24 hours my tushy!
2006-06-21 - a weekend moving boxes
2006-06-14 - summer vay cay...yay!!
2006-06-03 - the writing institute may fairly well rock
2006-06-02 - 4 1/2 days left
2006-05-28 - update from cali
2006-05-20 - spanish, scripts, field day, etc, etc, etc...
2006-05-11 - gardens and poetry books...blah, blah, blah
2006-04-27 - spring break and iPods
2006-04-08 - catch up!
2006-03-30 - birthday!! :)
2006-03-28 - 'bye
2006-03-20 - panda cakes, oh my!
2006-03-06 - Top Read of All Time??
2006-02-26 - The Smothers Brothers!!
2006-02-21 - A Moment in Time for Theatre
2006-02-20 - Valentine's Weekend 2006
2006-01-30 - random acts of espanol
2006-01-29 - No day like well, next month apparently
2006-01-16 - Dr. King's legacy
2006-01-13 - teaching teachers teaches the teacher
2006-01-09 - goodbye
2006-01-06 - beginnings, and honoring a hero

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