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Dr. King's legacy
2006-01-16 at 3:57 p.m.

I spent today in a classroom at UNLV listening to speeches made by 3rd-5th grade students in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I'll be honest, this wasn't initially what I had planned to do with the last day of one of my few 3-day weekends. In retrospect though, it was a fitting way to spend this day.

I have long admired Dr. King, as I know many others do. I admire him for his strength in standing up to terror and hatred with nonviolence. I admire his dedication to an unpopular cause. I admire his love of freedom and true democracy for all people, not just blacks, not just Americans, but all people.

Dr. King's holiday has become just another day off for many people (and I won't discount myself from those ranks). Distant time seems to have separated us from his works and ideals. He has become relegated to little more than a historical figure; honored by quotes, parades, and student artwork. If we are to continue our societal journey to equality and freedom, we must remember him as the man he was; dedicated, committed, and yes, even flawed. It is his humanity that makes him real. And it is only in making the person real that we can make the mission real as well.

Dr. King was a leader, but it was his followers that helped to get the work done. Those of us who are believers are still responsible for helping to create the world of freedom that he imagined. Today I am choosing to take the example of my 3rd grade student who competed in today's competition. I will set aside myself and my time to work towards a better tomorrow; in actions, words, and spirit.

Happy Birthday, Dr. King.

Check out this NY Times article, it's pretty fab.
Globalizing King's Legacy

My Hero of the Day: hmmm...I wonder...
Quoted: "I say to you that our goal is freedom, and I believe we're going to get there because, however much she strays from it, t
Listening to: "We Shall Overcome" (ok, it's only in my head, but that counts, right?)

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"A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens (gave up on the Les Mis...for now anyway)

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"Bird by Bird" a (very good) book on writing by Anne Lamont (for my class)