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National Resources Defense Council
Random Acts of Kindness Foundation
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SNWP Nancy
SNWP Heather



I'm just a tad busy...
2006-07-25 at 7:30 p.m.

So, uhhh...yeah, I know, I know, I was supposed to write about Alabama EONS ago. Sheesh, I'm a little embarassed. But I've been absolutely swamped by this writing institute. It's absolutely fabulouse, but very all encompassing. Just to give you an idea, my scribe report is due Friday, along with my part of the book report. Tuesday I have my 75 minute teaching demonstration to present. Then I get the last week to work on my research paper. At the same time I'm trying to get the new teacher's packet I'm working on done, which is also due Tuesday (yeah, the same day as my big project). In between all this I'm supposed to be working on personal writing pieces for review (one to be turned in Friday). PLUS my dumb father from Texas decided to pick this weekend to come visit (didn't ask, just told *sigh*). I may need a padded room by Wednesday. So, sorry I haven't been in touch lately. I swear it'll be better by Wednesday (if I'm not in the loony bin by then).
Hope all is well with all of you :)

My Hero of the Day: Shannon in my group for her bravery (and telling me my descriptions are like "butter")
Quoted: Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are. -Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
Listening to: my protest songlist (for my book report)

last 5 entries
it's been a while... - 2007-04-01

Here comes the bride... - 2007-01-15

it's been a looooong time! - 2006-11-05

"I Am" - 2006-09-17

the first week of school - 2006-09-02

past lives // reincarnate

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I'm reading now...

"A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens (gave up on the Les Mis...for now anyway)

I just finished...

"Bird by Bird" a (very good) book on writing by Anne Lamont (for my class)