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Punk panegyric
2006-08-07 at 10:26 p.m.

So, I'm knee-deep in the hoopla of class and loving every minute of it. I'm doing a "research paper"/visual art piece on punk for my last project. Thought I'd share my found poem I composed from assorted punk lyrics (very little alteration really). I'm rather proud of it, found poems are harder than I thought they would be.(btw...a panegyric is a formal eulogistic composition intended as a public compliment). Let me know what you think.

Punk Panegyric
A long time ago there were pirates,
beaming waves across the sea
Good music to save your soul, too real to feel.
This sound did not subscribe to an international plan.
The flowers in the dustbins cried out,
�We want the airwaves!�
Is it a crime, is it a crime.

Revolution rock, it was a brand new rock
Fighting the fascist regime.
Screaming, �You can crush us, you can bruise us!
But you gotta face the new religion!�
It was a public service announcement with guitars.
Is it wrong, could it be wrong.

They said, �It's wild, wild, wild,
they're trying to take over the town.
The kids are losing their minds to the pulsating back beat.
They're all reved up and ready to go!
We ain't gonna take it!�
And the kids replied,
�Yeah! We like noise, it's our choice!�
And I fell in love with you,
I love your mortal sin.
Deep in my personality crisis I heard you jammin'
And you gave me a rock-n-roll nurse.
Now I don't know what I want
But I know how to get it,
And I ask the angels who they're calling.

And I know you got the same feelin'
You should really listen to this.
London is Calling
for God to save that queen
And I wanna be an anarchist.
That's what I'm gonna shout about.
So, hey honey, take a walk on the wild side.
That halo's round your head, you're too tough to die.
And this sound is brave and wants to be free.
Don't be told what you want, what you need, what you are
Because the night belongs to us.
Everybody smash up your seats, and rock to this!
'Cause I can't think of a better way to spend the night.
Ask the angels if they're startin' to groove.

My Hero of the Day: plyrics.com
Quoted: my fav line..."and I fell in love with you, I love your mortal sin" - NY dolls
Listening to: blitkreig bop by the Ramones (in my head, B's sleeping)

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I'm reading now...

"A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens (gave up on the Les Mis...for now anyway)

I just finished...

"Bird by Bird" a (very good) book on writing by Anne Lamont (for my class)