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2006-01-09 at 7:28 p.m.

Did you see the sunset tonight?
Feel the breeze on your skin?
Take a moment to tell someone you are thankful for them?
Life is so short, sometimes shorter than you think.
It's so important to make sure you take the time to love those things you enjoy, and enjoy those things you love.

Our friend Debbie died in her sleep Friday night. I could say all the cliches.
She was young and had a
promising future.
She was loved by many.
And they may be true, but right now the truest thing is that we miss her. There are so many things that would have been said and done if we had known she was going to leave us. And I guess that's the point. We may never know when the time comes for those we love to leave us, or for us to leave ourselves.

Everyone always waxes nostalgic when someone dies. Promising themselves and begging others to take another look at their lives and loved ones, but how many of us actually do? So I guess I'll say it again. Take that extra few minutes a day to cherish your loved ones and to love yourself as well.
Life is short.

My Hero of the Day: my friends and family
Quoted: carpe diem
Listening to: my cat's purr

last 5 entries
it's been a while... - 2007-04-01

Here comes the bride... - 2007-01-15

it's been a looooong time! - 2006-11-05

"I Am" - 2006-09-17

the first week of school - 2006-09-02

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Yes, I do.

I'm reading now...

"A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens (gave up on the Les Mis...for now anyway)

I just finished...

"Bird by Bird" a (very good) book on writing by Anne Lamont (for my class)