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beginnings, and honoring a hero
2006-01-06 at 7:10 p.m.

ahhh...a beginning
always exciting
always scary
Are you sure I'm doing this right? And then finally
the leap of faith
I jump

Here we go, here we go!

I like auspicious beginnings. Ones that feel full of portents, for good of course. Sometimes I feel like I push things too far (trying to find that perfect first song for the cd player??). This time however, I feel I can start something off, namely this blog, with something of value that doesn't even have to be forced.

I would like to eulogize Hugh Thompson, Jr. today, a man I never knew. A helicopter pilot in the Vietnam war, he helped to stop one of the most infamous massacres of that bloody conflict. My Lai. Mr. Thompson and his crew saved the lives of 9 Vietnamese civilians that day, and endured a lifetime of ridicule and derision for their actions. Check out the full article on BBC News

And why is it the British always know more interesting stuff about us than we do?

My Hero of the Day: Hannah - my former/present/always student. She makes me laugh.
Quoted: Go, heart, unto the lamp of light, Go heart, do service and honor - Anonymous
Listening to: Kris Kristofferson - ahhh the genius

last 5 entries
it's been a while... - 2007-04-01

Here comes the bride... - 2007-01-15

it's been a looooong time! - 2006-11-05

"I Am" - 2006-09-17

the first week of school - 2006-09-02

past lives // reincarnate

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Yes, I do.

I'm reading now...

"A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens (gave up on the Les Mis...for now anyway)

I just finished...

"Bird by Bird" a (very good) book on writing by Anne Lamont (for my class)