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update from cali
2006-05-28 at 8:47 p.m.

I'm sitting here at my parents house in Cali playing on the new laptop B bought his mommy. It's pretty great. I'm also supposedly testing out the new router B installed for my parents. Seems to work ok :)

We left Friday for Cali and have been staying at my parents house. We spent most of yesterday at his parents house visiting as my mom was feeling poorly (kind of the sad state of affairs with her fibro lately). We watched "Castaway" last night, it was very good :)

Today my mom and dad and I went to see X3. I enjoyed it mucho! Course...I enjoy most anything with Wolverine in it ;)

We're back home to Vegas tomorrow so we can go back to work on Tuesday...boo. But at least there are only 7 1/2 days left for me! :)

In other news...I went to my new school for staff development on Friday. It seems ok. It's weird as it's built the same as my current school, so seems very familiar...but yet not. We'll see how it goes next year. Seems like they are very arts supportive...yay :)

Also, I was accepted to the Summer Writing Invitational Institute that will be for 3 weeks in August. It's supposed to be exhausting, but fabulous. And heck...6 free graduate credits ain't shabby :)

Catch ya later! :)

My Hero of the Day: B for fixing my mommy's computer
Quoted: You must be the change you wish to see in your computer (paraphrased from Ghandi) ;)
Listening to: B's techno jargon ;)

last 5 entries
it's been a while... - 2007-04-01

Here comes the bride... - 2007-01-15

it's been a looooong time! - 2006-11-05

"I Am" - 2006-09-17

the first week of school - 2006-09-02

past lives // reincarnate

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Yes, I do.

I'm reading now...

"A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens (gave up on the Les Mis...for now anyway)

I just finished...

"Bird by Bird" a (very good) book on writing by Anne Lamont (for my class)