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summer vay cay...yay!!
2006-06-14 at 2:44 p.m.

Ahhh...summer vacation...that lovely time of year when a young girl's fancies turn to thoughts of vegging out on the couch 24-7. Good thing I have the(teensy bit of) fortitude to resist ;) Just barely...

I spent most of last week moving my classroom from my old school to the new one. As much as good omens seemed to be everywhere when I originally went for my interview, bad ones seemed to run amok on move-in day. My room, which was supposed to be the same one I am in now (the school's have the same layout) really isn't, no one volunteered to help me unload like last year (or grunt in a manly manner at my beefed up hand cart), a classroom door that opened the wrong way so it was hard to get into...and I could go on. Now, in all fairness I'm sure there was a healthy dose of pouting adding to my funk that day. I'm very sad to leave my friends, 3 of whom I've worked with since I moved to Vegas (was it really 3 years ago? EEK!), and leaving the kids I already know for ones I don't is always hard. So before you start say...aww...poor E, I'm sure it'll all be just ducky next year. For now though I say...boo.

I spent most of the weekend cleaning the house like a madwoman so I could lounge about Monday, just cuz it was the first day of break, and lounge I did. This was helped out by poor B's taking the day off due to his foot...but I get ahead of myself, let's back up a tad...

Saturday, we went to the park to fly a kite. Yup, I said it, fly a kite (let's goooo fly a kite, up toooo the highest height). It was super, I haven't had so much fun doing so little in quite some time :) Not bad for a $5 kite :) When we got home, rather warm from the park, I was quietly emailing away, when B came into the office with a big, fat, sumptuous waterballoon (can a waterballoon be sumptuous?). I, of course, immediately raced to the kitchen to get my own to "throw in the street," so I thought. A face full of waterballoon later, I was off chasing B across the front lawn, where he promptly kicked the railroad tie he'd left there for landscaping...ouch doesn't even really cover that one. The doc said it wasn't broken, but he was laid up Sunday, and stayed home on Monday (will miracles never cease). Poor guy. I almost feel guilty, except, well, he DID start it.

Took the kitty to the vet yesterday for her shots, and to schedule a dental. Turns out though the dental coud run close to $600...I'm going to ask my brother if I can run her down his way and he can do it. Yikes, that's a lot of money!

Today my writing buddy came over and we worked on our play. We are at 39 pages (should be around 60 when done), and only 3 scenes (1 Act) from the end. We are very excited, yay! We're hoping to have it done this summer. That should give us enough time to work everything out for so we can have it performed next summer. A year behind schedule, but what writing project isn't.

Hope you're having a great week. And don't be to jealous about my vacation, remember, we don't get paid for our breaks, they just spread the money from our 9 months of work out. If I didn't have that class coming up, I'd need a job, man. ;)

My Hero of the Day: my cat for not causing any problems at the vet yesterday...she was soo good...awww.
Quoted: "Just to live is holy, to be is a blessing." -- Rabbi Abraham Heschel
Listening to: the washer

last 5 entries
it's been a while... - 2007-04-01

Here comes the bride... - 2007-01-15

it's been a looooong time! - 2006-11-05

"I Am" - 2006-09-17

the first week of school - 2006-09-02

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I'm reading now...

"A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens (gave up on the Les Mis...for now anyway)

I just finished...

"Bird by Bird" a (very good) book on writing by Anne Lamont (for my class)