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catch up!
2006-04-08 at 3:44 p.m.

So, I've been super busy lately, here's a quick catch up...

Was AMAZING!! The show was moved to the Paris and we ended up with 6th row center seats...too perfect. The entire thing was beyond fabulous. I was particularly fascinated by the way they pulled off all the different scenes and settings without ever changing the stage once...I kept thinking, "huh, I wonder if I could do that onstage?" GO SEE IT!!

The Shows!!!
My drama babies pulled off an amazing feat of 3 nearly perfect shows this week. You should have seen the fabulous 80's costumes some of them came up with, it was, like, you know, totally awesome! Now, I'm like, totally exhausted! I'm so proud of them. Just goes to show what you can get out of kids, even 1st and 2nd graders, with high expectations.

My Garden!!!
I planted my garden last Sunday. It includes herbs, tomatoes, eggplant, beans, etc. And today my radishes started coming up...does that make me a radish mommy?? :)

Bill's parents and uncle and aunt came to town this week. His parents bought us tickets to the Queen concert last night. I was a little hesitant, what's Queen without Freddie?? But it was pretty great. Paul Rogers (of Bad Company fame) fronts them now, and they did some of his old songs too. They are a bit older these days, but they still rock. Very worthwhile...but ah Freddie, we miss ya'!

Spring Break!!!
We are off today for the red rocks of Southern Utah..whoohoo!! Will catch ya up on that when I return.

Have a great week!!! :)

My Hero of the Day: my drama kids...heroes of my month for heaven's sake!
Quoted: "Take all of your expertise and trade it in for wonder." --Buddha
Listening to: Bill's hip hop radio....eesh

last 5 entries
it's been a while... - 2007-04-01

Here comes the bride... - 2007-01-15

it's been a looooong time! - 2006-11-05

"I Am" - 2006-09-17

the first week of school - 2006-09-02

past lives // reincarnate

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Yes, I do.

I'm reading now...

"A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens (gave up on the Les Mis...for now anyway)

I just finished...

"Bird by Bird" a (very good) book on writing by Anne Lamont (for my class)